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Fluffed Animals

“Hi there! I'm Laura. I make gifts and accessories starring cheerful animal characters to delight daydreamers and optimists.

The first Fluffed Animals products came out of a very busy season of my life. I was a full-time graphic design student and a nearly-full-time grocery worker. During a rare free evening, I wanted to have a bit of creative fun, so I whipped up a little fox pillow. He was a bit lumpy and unevenly sewn, but he made me smile, and that’s all I needed at that moment.

Not too long after that, I sewed a raccoon pillow to keep the fox company. I knew right away that this was exactly what I needed to be doing, and I’ve spent the last eight years developing new products starring these sweet animal friends.

I know from personal experience just how bruising the world’s hard edges can be for dreamers. It’s my hope that these friends will be there for you, to quietly encourage you and remind you that you’re not alone.” -Laura Fisher, owner of Fluffed Animals

Instagram: @fluffedanimals