Panty Cat
“Victoria Llama is an illustrator and designer based in Northern California. Recently she enjoys sharing Panty Cat and Friends at local markets to spread the whimsy and freedom of Panty Cat. She dislikes the texture of pears but loves the flavor. If she could do anything right now, she'd want to be in a late autumn hot springs town in Japan, sitting at a coffee shop drawing, eating pastries and drinking matcha lattes.
Panty Cat was born July 2018. On an average day in a hot upstairs bedroom. Victoria was sick of that hot bedroom tight pants BS. She also loves cats. She also can't have cats (renting in a no-pets apartment yikes). With her no-pants, yes cats mentality, Panty Cat was born.”
Instagram: @victoria_llama
Panty Cat Sticker Sheet: Beach Day
Panty Cat$5.00| /Beach Day with the best cat. 4" x 6" Vinyl Sticker Sheet
$5.00| /Sold out -
Moon & Panty Cat Print - Large Print
Panty Cat$15.00| /• Square matte print • Art print dimensions: 8"x8" - F018
$15.00| /Sale